In this section, you will find a selection of market reports, fact sheets and publications drawn up by industry experts. This page will be regularly updated and we encourage you to return for future developments.
Click here to read more about Japanese Business Culture
We have put together a number of e-learning videos for members to enjoy at their leisure. This section is targeted to EU companies seeking to create, develop or improve their businesses with Japan and Japanese partners.
To access the recordings of our past sectorial and procedural webinars, please visit this link.
In this section are listed questions and answers that could be relevant for your business. It covers any kind of trade-related questions received and related answers including the ones covering the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.
In this section you will find a list of useful links to public EU and Japanese organizations, as well as bilateral entities existing between member States and Japan.
Of course, this is just a very small sample of useful links of this kind. In fact, on the many pages of this website you will find over 1,600 links (and counting!) that were consulted by our team when compiling the information we have made available. We therefore encourage you to browse the website, in particular those pages most relevant to your business, and check the links listed as sources and the one under the "relevant organisations and trade fairs" paragraphs.
The monthly e-news of the EU Business in Japan (EUBIJ) support covers the latest information on upcoming webinars, latest Japanese companies' profiles, special focus section, press review and much more!
To register to our EUBIJ newsletters, please click here.
To consult the EU-Japan Centre's flagship quarterly newsletters, please click here.
The EU-Japan Centre currently produces 5 newsletters :
You are now accessing a members only part of our website available to EU companies only.
Please create an account (or login) to access information, reports and webinars about Japan.